Saturday, January 5, 2013

How To Pick The Right Mold Remediation Company in NJ

Please do NOT let mold remediation companies scare you!
We guarantee if you read this entire posting, you will be more educated than 90% of mold remediation
companies. =]

The process of removing mold from a home is NOT a complicated process. But many NJ residents are
being tricked into buying expensive systems. Systems that cost as much as $18,000 which are NOT
even needed to remove the mold. These companies add false stages to the remediation process that
have NOT been proven to offer ANY additional benefits.

They will try to dazzle you with chemistry and elaborate explanations in order to justify their
outrageous fees. As someone who has their masters in microbiology, let me explain 2 very important
facts to you.

1) Is mold harmful? Absolutely. It would take less than 5 minutes of research to learn why mold toxins
are dangerous.

Here are a few reasons -

a) Mold biotoxins and mycotoxins can increase cancer, strokes and heart attacks.
b) These same toxins can decrease awareness, increase irritability and cause extreme mood swings
(this is often refered to as "mold neurotoxicity").
c) Mold spores and toxins can make you feel  foggy, tired, and bloated, along with inducing headaches.
d) You can often spot dangerous mold growth with very little training.
e) Mold toxins harm virtually every organ in the body.
f) In a lab, biotoxins are extracted from various forms of natural mold, and used in biological warfare.
g) Most air filters in homes, schools and businesses are junk and ineffective.
h) Spores build up inside of homes, rather than being ventilated outside.
i) These same spores build up inside your lungs and blood, compromising your entire immune system.

As scary as this list seems, this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. Many people also have the wrong
idea about mold thanks to myths regarding bread and penicillin. They will often say:

 "well if mold grows on bread as penicillin, and penicillin is used as an antibiotic... then
shouldn't mold be good for people?" First, lets not forget what an "antibiotic" is. Break it down into
its 2 key parts - anti + biology.

Penicillin was initially used to treat syphillis or staph infections but its use did not last long in the
medical world. Although penicillins are still produced, most bacterias have become resistant. Not to
mention, the side effects triggered by penicillin are fairly dangerous in their own right:

"diarrhoea, hypersensitivity, nausea, rash, neurotoxicity, urticaria, and superinfection
(including candidiasis). Infrequent adverse effects (0.1–1% of patients) include fever,
vomiting, erythema, dermatitis, angioedema, seizures (especially in epileptics), and
pseudomembranous colitis.[4] (taken from wikipedia)

Realize, those are the side effects of one of the less harmful forms of mold.
Also realize, we are NOT trying to scare you. We will save that for the next part. =]

2) After identifying mold and its dangerous, how does one remove mold from a home?

This section will explain the darkside of mold that very few people realize. Which is the
relationship between mold companies and homeowners in need of mold remediation.

Since many people are aware that mold poses risks, many people have also become
desensitized to these dangers. So if unethical mold companies want to make a lot of
money,  this leaves them with 1 simple choice..

>> Confuse people with the process of removing mold aka "mold remediation".

Perhaps you were impacted by Hurricane Sandy and have tore out all the sheetrock
in your home. You may see mold in various areas feeding off the wood. So you call a
mold company to come out.

They tell you the mold needs to be removed. But then they try to overwhelm you with
false chemistry implying that mold needs to be treated in a highly specific way. And
they present you with a 10 step system that is so complex, you don't even bother to
examine it. You just assume they are experts, and the outrageous price is justified
BECAUSE they are experts.

WRONG! Outrageous prices do not always = quality. Especially in home improvement
industries which is unfortunate.

Many times, people can't even afford the mold work, and will choose not to do anything.
Other times, people will pay for the work, and later find out they were ripped off.

Why does this happen? Its pretty simple actually. If you take a close look at these
types of companies, they tend to have more salesmen employeed than certified
microbial experts. In fact, many of these companies DO NOT EVEN HAVE a certified
microbial expert in the first place.

So PLEASE,  >>ask them<< for their certifications!

You will KNOW you have the wrong remediator when...

1) He laughs when you ask if he has a contractors license or mold remediator certification.
2) You ask if he has at least 1 million dollars in mold insurance and he falls to the ground
convulsing with laughter.
3) He has no clue or concern about fixing the source of the moisture problem. He doesn't
realize that ignoring this means that mold will always come back.
4) The remediator wears no protective masks or gloves.
5) He has no plan to channel moldy dust from work areas outside the home.
6) The remediator plans to carry unconcealed materials throughout your home.
7) He does not use a HEPA vaccum to clean up after himself!!

The list goes on and on.

But in terms of remediating mold, the general process is much simpler than most people
realize. In fact, it can be explained in one sentence. The contaminated areas are cleaned,
the mold is sprayed with an effective industrial moldicide, its left to dry, the mold is
encapsulated, and clean up is done with HEPA vaccums.

If leaks are identified in the process, they must be sealed.
THAT IS ALL! Does it sound that complicated? It is a laborsome process yes, but the
process itself is not complicated. Or maybe we've been doing it for too long.

If a mold remediator wants to charge you an extra $5,000 so they can walk around your
home with fogger backpacks like they're in ghostbusters.... chances are, you're getting
ripped off.

An average job should cost no more than $3,000 - $6,000.
Not $10,000 - $18,000.

An average mold test should cost NO MORE than $400.
Not $650-$800. After the hurricane, it appears that many companies are veering towards
the latter.

Furthermore, mold tests are rarely neccessary and seldom do we ever recommend them.
If the mold can be seen and smelled, it needs to be treated, as stated by the EPA.

Homes over 5-10 years old, that are saturated by water or have moisture problems, are
most susceptible to mold growth and contamination. Homes under 5 years old generally
stand up well against mold contamination. Even if they have leaks. But we still recommend
addressing these leaks as moisture will age your home faster.

Finally, if you are looking for a company that is fully licensed, insured and mold certiified,
you can call Randy at 908 - 601 - 1307!

Or visit our website at: is a division of All County Waterproofing, LLC.

We have been in business for 15 years, and do high quality work for a fair and honest price.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Licensed, insured, IAQ & BBB certified.

MMRG, Mold Remediation & Basement Waterproofing
20 Berkeley Place
Eatontown NJ 07724

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